Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cherie Colyer: It’s a Party to celebrate the release of EMBRACE

Cherie Colyer: It’s a Party to celebrate the release of EMBRACE: And it's just in time for the holidays! Embrace a novel by Cherie Colyer Madison is familiar enough with change, and she hates everythin...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Spark

Okay, so I'm feeling a spark of life in myself today. I woke up with bronchitis last Thursday--at least it didn't hit me over Christmas break--and I haven't felt human until this morning. I actually listened to music while getting ready to work (singing full-volume) and wore funky clothes (fashion ideas courtesy of the latest Teen Vogue I processed at my middle school library the other day).

Being sick, I've been totally worthless for, like, the last five days. (I hate lazing around when there is so much to be done.) So today with my spark, I arrived at play practice today and knew virtually none of my lines. Particularly embarrassing when surrounded by small children, but whatever, I've been sick. All the kids kept asking why I wasn't screaming REALLY LOUD like usual. Try explaining bronchitis to a five-year-old.

Our inversion has lifted (thank God) and there are blue skies out there...I'm counting down to Spring Break: we'll hang in Lowman and showshoe, visit with friends, hit the hot springs, and bring along my good buddy George Killian. (Shannon, I don't believe I've introduced you to George yet...and now you won't be meeting him for another year. Poor girl!)

I hear a novel calling my name. (I also hear Tim snoring, lol.) Going to wrap myself in a fleece blanket and unwind. With only two days left in the work week, life is grand!

Monday, January 26, 2009


Okay, I'm a total loser. I didn't even remember being ON Blogger to create this account; I think I did it for part of a library course I was taking! Tra-la-la. If you want to read the "big" blog (well, bigger, that is), you can view my complete profile and go to my webpage that, ahem, isn't really my webpage. But seriously. How many blogs does one girl need? :-)

Monday, October 6, 2008

You caught me...

Seriously, I'm going to start that new book. I promise.